귀트영 하루문장(22.4.21.) 첫번째 문장 Learning another language is never easy. It is however always rewarding. It can help you see the world and find new job opportunities. 두번째 문장 Let’s take a look at how studying English can make a fifference in your life. 자기개발/영어공부 2022.04.25
귀트영 하루 문장(22.4.15.) Regaredless of what it’s called, aromatherapy use aromatic oil to improve the health of the body, mind and spirit. In fact, there are nearly 100 types of essential oils available. 자기개발/영어공부 2022.04.21
귀트영 하루 문장(22.4.19.) One of the most significant long-term health benefits of wearing braces is the prevention of gum disease. - brace : 버팀대, 치아교정기 - gum disease : 잇몸 질환 As a result, they often swallow large chunks of food, which can not be digested correctly. - chunk : 덩어리 자기개발/영어공부 2022.04.20
귀트영 하루 문장(22.4.7.) 첫번째 문장 One of the main differences between a study cafe and a library is the lack of restrictions in the former. 두번째 문장 Whereas most libraries prohibit food and drinks, they are -unsurprisingly- found in abundance at a study cafe. - in abundance at : 풍부하게 세번째 문장 However, many study cafes today are staffless. Just pay for a seat on the screen at the entrance. And walk right in. 자기개발/영어공부 2022.04.14
귀트영 하루 문장(22.4.12.) 첫번째 문장 Your new life will likely be as different as night and day from your current life. - night and day : 하늘과 땅 차이 두번째 문장 Although this step may not always be possible, it’s definitely the best way to find out what you’re in for. 자기개발/영어공부 2022.04.13
귀트영 하루 문장(22.4.8.) 첫번째 문장 The US goverment has incentivized insurers to allow to people to get the test kits for free at the point of sale rather than having to submit claims for reimbursement. - incentivize : 장려하다 두번째 문장 Consumers can find out from their insurerance provider if it allows direct coverage of over-the-counter COVID-19 tests. - over the counter : 처방전 없이 자기개발/영어공부 2022.04.12